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What's in Unit 4?

Unit 4 covers 


See the bottom of this webpage for access to PowerPoint lessons on equations or try the links below


Solving One-Step Equations (Addition & Subtraction):

Math Antics


LearnZillion Video Lesson 


Solving One-Step Equations (to solve real world multiplication & division problems):

LearnZillion Video Lesson


Solving One-Step and Two-Step Equations


Writing Algebraic Equations


Writing and Solving Two-Step Equations (use web code: AQE-0775)


One-Step Equation Game (Addition & Subtraction only)


Remember, in elementary school, you learned that the alligator opens his mouth to eat the larger quantity. But we always read from left to right, so we see below that the small cupcake is LESS THAN the larger cupcake. We see that the larger piece of pizza is GREATER THAN the smaller piece. 










See the bottom of this webpage for access to PowerPoint lessons on inequalities or try the video links below:


Reviewing Inequalities


Solving Inequalities (just like solving equations!)


Solving One-Step Inequalities using Addition or Subtraction (code: AQE-0775)


Graphing Inequalities (code: AQE-0775)


Writing Inequalities (code: AQE-0775)



Unit 4 Vocabulary


Equation: a statement in which the expression on one side of an = sign equals the expression on the other side.

Inequality: a statement which shows the relationship between two expressions using 
<,  >,  ≤,  ≥,  or  ≠. 

Dependent variable: it’s value depends on the value of another variable.

Independent variable: does not change based on other variables.

Set: a group of numbers that solves an equation. 


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